Tuesday, August 30, 2016

week 6 digital

Finally managed to defeat my shyness towards digital painting, and got more time in to it. If it wasn't for some sudden schedule changes, I think I could have actually kept my promise of completing each item.

Week 6 sketches

Monday, August 22, 2016

Week 5 - digital

 Despite being thumbnails, these took me a long time to put together. Juggling details with color values proved to be very difficult while working on a village setting. Number 1, 3, 5 from the first image and the very last one from the second image satisfied me, so I will be using them as reference as I try to finish up the first environment this week. 

I already have a rough idea of what I want the air ship to look like. I will try out some more color variations and play with details this week.

 Although I managed to squeeze in more time to work on digital illustrations this week, I still wasn't able to dish out as much work as I had hoped. It is time to crank it all up and really finish it! I am planning on drawing a more complete version of each item next week. It is long overdue...

week 5 skecthes

This time, I just tried to arrange the sketches from the most relevant to the least. Roughly.